Publications (Google Scholar Profile)

Early Prediction of Children’s Task Completion in a Tablet Tutor using Visual Features
Bikram Boote*, Mansi Agarwal*, Jack Mostow. The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Student Abstract. AAAI 2021 (Finalist Paper).

SeekSuspect : Retrieving Suspects from Criminal Datasets using Visual Memory
Aayush Jain*, Meet Shah*, Suraj Pandey*, Mansi Agarwal*, Rajiv Ratn Shah, Yifang Yin. The Second ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia: Demo Papers. ACMM 2021.

Crisis-DIAS: Towards Multimodal Damage Analysis - Deployment, Challenges, and Assessment
Mansi Agarwal*, Maitree Leekha*, Ramit Sawhney, Rajiv Ratn Shah. The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence: AI for Social Impact. AAAI 2020.

Semi-supervised Learning to Perceive Children’s Affective States in a Tablet Tutor
Mansi Agarwal, Jack Mostow, The Tenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence. AAAI-EAAI 2020.

MEMIS: Multimodal Emergency Management Information System
Mansi Agarwal*, Maitree Leekha*, Ramit Sawhney, Rajiv Ratn Shah, Rajesh Yadav, Dinesh Vishwakarma. The Forty-Second European Conference on Information Retrieval. ECIR 2020.

Hush-Hush Speak: Speech Reconstruction Using Silent Videos
Shashwat Uttam*, Yaman Kumar*, Dhruva Sahrawat*, Mansi Agarwal, Rajiv Ratn Shah, Debanjan Mahata. The Twentieth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. InterSpeech 2019.

Video Summarization Using Global Attention With Memory Network and LSTM
Dhruva Sahrawat*, Mohit Agarwal*, Sanchit Sinha*, Aditya Adhikary*, Mansi Agarwal, Rajiv Ratn Shah. The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data. BigMM 2019.

[* denotes equal contribution]